Digital Equity Asset Map

What are Digital Equity Assets?

Beyond infrastructure, broadband connection, device access, and digital literacy, there are a group of Digital Equity “assets” which support residents’ access to the internet. We are creating an inventory of existing assets—programs, organizations, or other community infrastructure or resources that support inclusive access to and use of the internet.

These assets can be formal, Digital Equity-specific assets like computer training programs, hotspot or laptop lending programs, or even informal Digital Equity Assets, which might include a librarian who provides help setting up an email account, a Housing Authority staff member who assists a resident in filling out online benefit forms, or a financial literacy workshop at a senior center.  

We've begun mapping our Digital Equity Asset inventory for Gloucester here (also viewable below) and mapped these assets here (also viewable above)

Know of a Digital Equity Asset we are missing? 

Use this form to submit an asset we may have missed.

For more information on Digital Inclusion Asset Mapping, see the following resource from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA):


Gloucester Digital Equity Assets